Amendment 1 is a bad idea for many reasons.

Partisan school board elections will disenfranchise too many voters. Currently, any registered voter, regardless of political party, can vote for school board candidates. This includes those registered as No Party Affiliation (NPA). As we know, many local elections are decided in the primary.

However, Florida is a Closed Primary State. If school board elections become partisan, they must follow the laws for partisan primary elections. Only Republicans vote in the Republican primary. Only Democrats vote in the Democrat primary. NPAs and minor party members cannot, by law, vote in closed primaries, yet they account for over 30% of Florida voters. An exception happens if only one party has candidates, and they face no opposition in the general election. Then all voters may vote in the Universal Primary Contest. Amendment 1 will exclude millions of Florida voters from selecting their local school board members.

Should public education be political?

Effective school board members collaborate and compromise. They make tough decisions in the best interest of students, parents, staff, administration, community.

School board campaigns have traditionally been locally focused with smaller, local donations. Yet partisan elections may lead to huge donations from outside political action committees. Only in the last two years has our governor stepped in to endorse certain candidates with partisan agendas. Some districts have been torn apart by vitriolic campaigns followed by fractious, nonproductive board operations.

Can you imagine if board members focused on their party’s political agenda, rather than local needs? Local decisions should never be influenced by party pressure.

Another new law allows non-residents to run for school board. If elected, they would have to move to that county. Would they understand local needs, or bring outside agendas?Education is no place for politics. Partisan school board elections may erode the local control we value. Our kids deserve better. I’m voting NO on Amendment 1.

Rosemary Nilles


This letter was published in the Citrus County Chronicle on October 11, 2024